An accident...
OOC: It is okay, as I say to all, a post is a post Wink
Charles was very happy with the leader of the land and he understood the more he thought about it. There are canines, and even felines out there that were just not noble, or respectable. He nodded to the great male, "Yes, I fully understand sir. There are many out in the world that just ain't out there for good. I really would like to take you up on your offer, and maybe in the near feature I will gladly accept it." He bowed his upon his torso. He was short, but rather long, so bowing was quite a sight indeed. Straightening out he then smiled, "Well, sir, while I think about this...I would really like to find something to eat. To you know the best fishing spot I can find?" Granted he didn't have a fishing pole...that was on his boat, but he did have string in his pouch, and hopefully he could find a hook. He knew he could manage, it just was frustrating how he lost all of his things.

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