Out in the Great Wide Open
Shes in Optime form sorry if I confused you.

Amaranth was a little confused now that she realized where she was. She wondered who in the pack had moved to this section of the beach. She didn't know who else but her uncle would want to live out on the sea coast. One would think that during the winter it would be cold. She had once walked the beach with her mother and the sand was cold and sucky.

Amaranth had come to see the yellowish woman in a full view. "Oh hello My name is Amaranth." She said smiling. She was happy that the woman wasn't to upset that she had just randomly appeared. She was just on her way to her uncles place which was further down the beach. "I was just passing through to see my uncle who lives in a house further down the beach." She said walking over to look at what the woman was doing.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she looked at all the stuff.

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