strangers talk, be careful what you feel
Pendzez just stood there confused. He only said one sentence and that was considered the best thing said by her. Well, in human history, one phrase could change the world, but nothing was mentioned about a sentence. Why did she consider it the best? Was it because that she wanted everyone to acknowledge the pain she was feeling, or that the scars she was given from the fall. She looked like she felt she was useless to everyone, including Jefferson, but Pendzez didn't think she was useless.

Pendzez again searched for words to say in reply. He had very little to say, considering to watch what he says before her. He couldn't even think of much to say, only thought of Jefferson. Maybe he could ask her about him and how he took this whole thing. It might be a risky move, but he had no other words. "What did Jefferson say?" he asked calmly.

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