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Phoenix had every bit of confidence that these pups would grow up in an ideal, loving environment. Deirdre could learn from her mother, as an example of what not to do… and he would be there to guide her is she had any difficulties. He knew a thing or two about bringing up pups, after all. Now that Icarus, Ember and Kansas were lehrlings, living much more independently, Phoenix would have plenty of time to devote to being a grandfather. A grandfather. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to be one… his family was growing by leaps and bounds, which made him feel that much more excited for his former protégée.

So caught up in his own excitement, Phoenix didn’t notice Dierdre’s unease. He closed the distance between them in a single step and almost reverently put a hand on her belly. He knew it was still too early to feel any movement but it was still a special moment in his mind. “That’s good,” he answered, grinning. Spring was the best time of year to have children, when food was plentiful. With so few adults around to help hunt, that would be vital—and fish weren’t exactly the most ideal food for a nursing mother. “Have y’told Pilot yet?”

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