Up is the New Down
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Ears perked at the mention of Inferni. The white woman had mentioned them on their way here, but she had said they weren’t important just yet. As long as Nayru stayed in Dahlia de Mai they probably weren’t too important, unless they came here. Instead this woman’s problems were present and therefore more pressing. Nayru eyed the bandage again and decided it was already taken care of; adults had better grasps on that than she anyway. What else could she do? The lady said her sister had been taken away forever and Nayru could tell by the tone what the woman was really conveying. There was no bringing back the dead. All the woman had left was anger and emptiness, which Nayru decided was unacceptable. Anger had a place, sure, but Nayru tried to imagine her sisters leaving this world and Nayru only feeling anger and sadness at their passings. The greatest loss wouldn’t be their physical bodies but Nayru’s state of mind.

Yet as her cherry eyes swept over the woman she couldn’t quite think of what to do to remedy the situation. Mostly it was that she didn’t even understand the situation fully. Why did he take away your sister? Idly Nayru’s charcoal paw scratched at the ground, giving the impression that perhaps her mind wished to be elsewhere, although in reality she was simply focusing too intensely on processing all the information she had just received and getting ready for the answers to her inquires. And why do you blame all of Inferni? The questions were innocent, empty of any judgments. Nayru was like a sponge, she simply just wanted to soak everything in, and now that she already felt involved in this woman’s story she needed to be filled with it.


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