counter balance this commotion
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Big GrinD Yay!! *hug* <33
Wc: 656~

Every day was just the same, timing marching on without second thought as to who it left behind. Confined to her bed, Ghita had had no choice other than to remain stationary, her bones knitting together as fast as was possible. There was still some tenderness in the ribs, but that had mostly faded by now. However, her leg was still a source of constant pain and worry, making Ghita more and more ansty by the day.

So, finally, Ghita just upped and left. Grabbing the stick she used for short distances, Ghita made sure to leave the house at a time where none of her family would be lingering, or within earshot. Hovering until the scents of her family faded, the fae slipped down the stairs, using a mixture of railings and walking sticks to maneuver the staircase. Cursing as she slid a few feet down, the fae only just managed to cling to the railing before she tripped, watching her stick clatter to the bottom of the stairs harmlessly, almost taunting her out of reach.

Eventually managing to hobble out the door, her makeshift crutch supported the leg that would not withstand weight, the use of it mimicking the movement of walking she had taken for granted just weeks ago. Her optime form was clothed only by the bandages on her ribs and makeshift cast on her leg, looking awkward and unnatural as she hobbled across Crimson Dreams' landscapes. Her feet (or foot, she supposed) took her in any direction she pleased, the fae doing her best to ignore the pain as she enjoyed the simple joy of being outside again.

She'd missed the scent of fresh air. A natural creature who had only recently taken to sleeping inside, the simple act of being outside had taken on a whole new meaning for her, becoming more laden with value as the hands of time marched on. It used to be something so simple and taken for granted, but the way the wind rippled through her fur and the way the temperature sat in her skin, Ghita felt as if this was healing her more than sitting outside ever had.

Technically, she hadn't been cleared to be moving around yet. And if Ghita had possessed the maturity to fully appreciate this, she probably wouldn't be hobbling as fast as she could now. But however strong her spirit remained, it was clear that Ghita's body hadn't fully recovered yet; her muscles began to protest just after a few miles. Determined to keep her progress up, the fae turned towards the Rabbit Lake, imagining that the lake's scent would rejuvenate her. After all, her very name meant 'Sea', and there was something to the fact that made Ghita feel more at ease around bodies of water.

Apparently she wasn't the only Marino to have the same idea. Eyes lighting quickly on Ehno not to far away, the sister had ended up near a different part of the lake, however, not far away enough to have her figure mistaken for another's. Her pelt's hue would be distinct, and even her facial features would be recognizable - besides; There weren't many other wolves who had to travel with a makeshift crutch due to her oddly bandaged leg.

Biting her lip and muttering a vulgar Italian curse, the fae tried her best to backpedal, knowing anyone of her family would skin her alive to see her moving before her body declared itself ready. Especially Ehno, her strong, supportive brother who had taken on the role of protective male ever since she could remember. Just as her back had turned to her brother, a strong wind skimmed over the lake and it's coast, bringing her Marino scent to Ehno and carrying heavy charcoal clouds. Hoping against hope that she'd escaped detection, the fae continued her slow-motion flight from Rabbit Lake, unprepared to slink away back to her room in defeat just yet.



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