[M] Undisclosed Desires

As the seconds ticked by, Mati grew a bit more confident as they rolled past. The sun had fallen on the two sleeping wolves, closing the day and welcoming the moon as their only guiding light. The windows of the room were large enough to let even the dull glow of the round orb to shine through, casting small but dark shadows on their faces. Mati’s sight was lost in the mane and fur that ran down Cambri’s neck, her tongue greedily savoring the taste of her skin. The quiet was broken, a soft moan filling her ears and making them flinch. Then she felt the change in Cambi, her form moving with more life and purpose though she did not pull away from her touch. Mati continued to kiss her neck, not even stopping when she felt the hand rise to touch her arm.

The call of her name caused her to pause, her nose settled in the crook of her shoulder Mati remained there for a long second before retreating from her new favorite place on her lover’s body and spoke I’m sorry I woke you. It was only a half truth, for there was a giant part of her that had wanted her caresses to stir the other woman from her sleep. Maybe she should have simply allowed for that time to rest, but after all the attention that she had given Mati the Church fey felt it only right to return it. Though, it was not a selfless act for her desire to please was growing just as powerful as her need to feel such pleasure.

Her hand left the girl’s chest, hesitant for a brief moment as she waited for Cambria to respond. It lingered on the bone that protected her heart; Mati’s sensitive fingers picking up the rapid beat that echoed in her ribcage. Her nose found her face, touching it lightly and not wanting to break the contact. She hadn’t been able to help herself, her control had left her the moment she had decided to not run from Cambria those hours ago.

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