Matryoshka Dolls
The chocolate mottled female searched her mind for what the word new meant. English was not something she neither used nor knew all the words and means to it; oh and how some of the words sounded the same but meant many different things. Sly was always the one to push her to use English, why hadn’t she asked him to help her to learn the language more. Foolish child hoped her mother would have come for her by now. She learned after months of being the rouge that she wasn’t going to find her mother, hell she didn’t even know who her father was so why would she be able to hope that the mottled female could find him. She was a mutt; she had no clue other then the Sly and Cercelee who her family was. She wanted to know her family she knew there was no use to fighting this battle she was a unwanted mutt and would love that life for that was really what she wanted right, she was the one that ran off to find her mother that just dropped her and her litter mates off in some odd land with two strange beings to look after her. Foolish child hoping her mother would come back.
While her mind worked and churned trying to find the words that she needed she stood there trying not to let her own stupidity take root on her face, she couldn’t let anyone know that she wasn’t that good in English surely they would take that point and use it against her. So to fill the void while she tried to figure out what the black and tan female meant she found the one thing that she understood and repeated it.”Liliana..Liliana…Liliana.” She thought she found the right meaning oh she hopped; damn she would hate to make her-self look that stupid this soon into a pack life.
She shook her head, these lands where not as big as they were now but she knew of this area from when she was a child. ”No. Here bigger, but old lands.” If only the stupid female knew how to speak either Russian or German she would be able to talk to her.

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