(J) So she walks the floor less traveled
A few more posts would be fantastic, as long as you don't mind. Smile



As quickly as the hour had come, sooner had it passed.

Jezebel had expected anger, or disappointment. But instead she was met with an understanding nod, and the reassurance that the choice she made in coming back was the right one. He had said as much, but hearing it from her old friend lent her a sturdy foundation to stand on. The tension that was previously knotting in her stomach was slowly unwinding, and for a moment she felt the immense weight of her guild lift from her shoulders. She drew a breath, a full one this time, while her tipped ears lifted from her skull to a more casual position. Of course, she was still submissive to the older woman in stance and present demeanor, but it was out of respect for both her rank, and the benevolence she had imparted on Jezebel.

A smile drew a gentle line across her features, and she nodded in reverence to Kaena's admission. It was clear to her now that she belonged here, Gabriel or no. Though he still ruled, and his presence was literally everywhere, she could live in peace here. Maybe someday they could reconcile. Today, tomorrow, next year, or never. If she had a home, she could cope, and move on. She would serve, and Inferni would provide. It was the way of things.

The two-toned woman stepped forward to oblige the Centurion's offer, and followed her past the skulls into Inferni. She strode in step beside Kaena, and listened to her with a turned ear as she took in the familiar sights, and smells of her home. The territory was just as she remembered it, with the ocean glittering in the distance. But from here she could not see the devastation from the arson, and she was entirely unaware of the second conflict between Dahlia de Mai, and the clan. However, the older woman's words gave her pause, and she felt compelled to ask.
"Mm. No trouble, I hope?" She inquired with a curious glance, and a raised brow.


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