Born of Snow


Maria’s sleek frame seemed to glow as she strode across the barren lands of McNamara’s Landing. Her senses were alert as she eyed the tangled metal of the downed cargo jet. She snorted in disgust at the sight of their creation, forever cursed to lie among the sand of the Crimson Dreams’ lands. Humans were vile and thankfully, their tyranny was destroyed along with their greed for power. The fea’s lilac eyes searched the horizon for signs of life but all they picked up were the slight movements of taiga grasses and shrubs. She had traveled from farther north, where snow and ice reigned for most moons. Restless, Maria decided to leave her birth pack. Maria’s mother cursed the grey wolf blood that ran through her daughter’s veins, the blood of the Were that had courted her and led her astray. If you were to look at the she-wolf, you would never know she was half grey wolf… or a Luperci for that matter. All her physical characteristics were passed from the Arctic Wolf lineage of her mother.

Tired, she decided to lie in the wreckage’s shadows. It had been half a day since Maria had rested and her muscles were beginning to pain the fea, food had also come days ago and her stomach growled in protest of its emptiness. Maria had no idea what she was searching for or how close her journey was to being over. All she knew now was the loneliness of a wanderer. Hunting and feeding alone, having no one to speak to… having no one to sleep next to. Maria laid her head on her paws as she drifted into blurry consciousness. She could sense the presence of wolves in these lands and all around these lands. Their scents and markings were scattered throughout. Perhaps one would notice the wanderer, but she did not care. Dreams are where our fantasy come real and we can be anything or anyone. Maria wished to be free of her curse, or to learn to embrace it as a gift. Being young is so troublesome, yet ignorance is bliss.


Character Name: Maria Shamus
Character Birthdate (including year): December, 05 2008
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Infected with Luperci
Species: 50% Grey Wolf[Father] / 50% Arctic Wolf[Mother]
Gender: Female
A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M). AIM- Jurassic_girl19
Currently played characters: No others
How you found 'Souls: Google

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