wicked world on the way to hell.
Table © James; +3

Cotl had already been out and about. It was a rainy day. Again. If Cotl didn't care about his job, he'd more than likely just sit in every day that it rained and not bothered to check the skulls at the borders to make sure they were still intact. Cotl didn't mind the rain none though, he had gotten used to it. Cotl had sat there, on top of the back of his steed, riding back towards the mansion. It had been that time of day to finish checking his traps around the mansion before he would go back inside of his room and smoke, or sleep, or draw or do something that would preoccupy his mind in some way. Maschine had trotted along the pathway back to the mansion, the rain, too noth bothering him as he drenched his pelt.

Long black hair had fallen in front of his face, covering his eyes some (though he had been able to see through the loose strands) as the black mass of a horse had carried his rust body to the gates of the mansion. He had left the gate open before he left, and no one seemed to close it, so it was easy for him to ride in. As he rode in, he had pulled the gate behind him. Anyone who wanted in (or out for that matter) could just open it. Cotl closed it just because he always felt the need to do so. Plus, it gave him warning that someone was coming because of the loudness of it opening and closing, you know, just in case he was expecting someone, or whatever.

Cotl rode his steed to the front, and he had dismounted the horse and started to walk up to the porch, his kills in his left hand, and his bag in his right. Both things drenched because of the rain. Once he had made it to the porch, he froze as his bi-colored eyes saw a form of a woman sitting on the couch on the porch with a feline sitting next to her. He'd never seen her before, much less did he know who she was. He didn't bother to move his hair out of his eyes. His eyes, regardless of the hair that was over it, still looked at the woman. "I've never-NYEH- seen you. Who are you?" he asked, his throat clearing after he had spoken to the woman.



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