wicked world on the way to hell.

Table © Alaine
OOC: I fucking had a post for here, and then FF failed and didn't recover it.. sorry it took me so long to rewrite eet. >:[ +5

She jumped when he yelled, and of course, he didn't mean to do it, to startle her, I mean. It was hard meeting new people because of this fact. They all had their own reactions, some would ignore it, others looked hard at him until they finally asked what he was talking about, and the ones who did none of the latter simply would either curse him out back, or try and fight him over the words he had no control over that would come from his loose mouth.Rats? Who's Halo? the woman asked. Cotl looked to the ceiling for a minute. Yuh, rats. the male spoke, his throat roughly clearing afterward.The woman asked who Halo was. It almost made the male laugh. "Du kann nicht tell me dat you have not smelt die oder voman in de Mansion." the male spoke, his neck twitching to the right before he let out a harsh NYEH sound from his throat. "She lives in die east ving. First room. " the male spoke to the woman, his cold eyes pinned on the woman.

Tattoos and piercings, hm? the woman asked. The male nodded his head. " -FUCK SHIT- Ja, Dat's mein job. Besides making sure die borders are all pretty-like." the male spoke, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke, and his throat roughly clearing itself after he had spoken. Thanks for the warning, the said about the traps, and he simply nodded his head. He wouldn't speak anything of the traps again, since he had already warned her once. If she got snared by a trap (though it would not kill her, more than likely it would trip her, and give her a big headache when trying to get herself out of it) then it would he her fault, not his, because he did his job and warned her. So, in the end, she wouldn't be able to blame him for his traps being in the way when he told her to watch her steps. Pretty animal, Maschine. Wish I had one these days the woman had spoken to him. Cotl let a smirk form on his lips. He liked when people complimented Maschine, for the stallion had been a beautiful animal. It was a shame that he did not have a mare to breed Maschine with to make a baby foal. He also didn't have the room for another horse unless he took down a wall in the shed that he used for Maschine and he had built another compartment onto the shed to make it big enough for both of the horses. "I traded vith Ember Phoenix fur him. -NYEH- If Ich had die room for anoder horse I vould have zwei. But I don't, so I don't have anoder." the german accented beast had spoken, not failing to be interrupted by himself with that NYEH sound in the middle of his sentences. " Nobody in Inferni rides but me, so I've debated getting a second one..." the male spoke, his words almost muttered, but loud enough for her to hear if she wanted to.

What do you mean by that? Bitchface cunt? the woman hadn't failed to ask him what he meant by the words." I don't mean it. It just....happens. I can't control it. -SUCK IT DRY BIZZATCH-" the male spoke, again, the profanity and unnecessary comments affecting his speech.

" Cotl is talking!"


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