What have I got to do to make you love me?
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Hey loves! I dont care about the posting order, assume Miriad's sticking close to Merit since they're twins. Short posts = love while we get into the swing of things :3

Coming home to a den full of wriggling children was always a pleasant event for the Kali woman. Now, as the children were gaining their own personalities, becoming real people all to themselves, it was easier to love them. They weren't just his children, and they were no longer burdens to her heart. They were her children, and she loved each and every once of them dearly. Fatin let out a low woof, calling to them as she dragged the small doe towards them. She was too old to be a fawn anymore, but she was still so very small! Fatin, luckily, had stumbled across her figure stuck in some mud, and hte kill had been easily made. With a small smile she let the deer fall to the ground fully, and sat back for a moment to let her children eat their fill. "Pretty soon I'm going to have to take you out and show you guys how to hunt on your own..."She commented, halfway to herself. She wasn't ready for them to hunt! If she never taught them to hunt, maybe they would stay with her forever....ah, she could hope!


Merit was busying himself with a toad that had made its way into the den. It's small, bumpy body jumped at the wall, for what reason, Merit could not understand. It was quite clear the first time that he was not getting anywhere. However, the ugly creature continued to throw itself at the wall as if it were sure that it was going to burst through at any moment. Merit watched, unaware of where his siblings or mother happened to be.

He was not sure exactly how much time he had spent observing the frog, but before he knew it, the smell of his mother was reaching his nose, accompanied by a very, very satisfying scent. A scent that Merit knew could only mean one thing--food. He hurried to the entrance to see his mother arriving with a deer. He was at her feet before her call ever left her mouth.

Merit payed no mind to his siblings as he dug into the soft flesh. Tiny needles pierced the hide, tearing away at it until he had sliced into the real prize, the meat. He gulped it down, blood making its way onto his face as he ate ravenously. When the pup had eaten all that his stomach could hold, he sat down and licked his lips, noting that he'd finished before his sisters. "Oh Mamma!" he said with a bright smile, "I mi' you when you're gone, but you bring back 'uch good food!"

He listened as she spoke of teaching them how to hunt. In his mind, he'd always envisioned a male wolf teaching him, but as he had no father that he was aware of, Merit was completely satisfied with his mother, who he thought was the strongest wolf, male or female, he knew. "Oh ye' , Mamma! I will love to hunt!" he stated with enthusiasm. It was only around his immediate family that Merit was so outgoing, for among those that he was not so familiar with, he was an extremely shy creature.


She scampered towards the front of the tunnels, alerted by a sort of small thumping sound. It could be her mother! Ignoring anyone she passed, she made speedy tracks before falling in a heap onto her haunches and staring out of the den. No one in sight. She gave a small sigh. Somehow she'd just had a feeling that she would be back soon, and despite Legacy's fast growth she wanted her mother whenever she was absent. She padded back the way she'd come, noticing as she passed that the sound she'd heard belonged to some sort of hopping frog that her brother Merit seemed to have cornered.

Further back in the den there was plenty to keep her occupied and anyway, it wasn't long at all until a second alarm reached her ears. This time she knew it was Fatin and yipped cheerfully, retracing her steps outside and trotting to the ready meal. "N'k you!" she told her mother through a delicious mouthful. "Bet I do better'n you Merit," she joked with a giggle after he spoke, meaning purely to inflame the competitive spirit that helped plenty when learning anything new.


I am so late. D: Sorry, guys. Busy weekend. Also sorry for the length. Would've edited it to make it shorter, but I'm in a rush to get this up. Exploring this character, I guess. DO NOT MATCH LENGTH, please. Smile

Optimism. It was something mother, Merit, and Legacy seemed to have plenty of, and something Amaury scarcely found (although Amaury was not yet sure about Miriad), which wasn't at all to say that she was a pessimist, but more of a realist than anything else—so when Merit bustled towards Fatin (or, rather, the kill she had brought back with her) and beamed in response to her words and Legacy soon joined the brouhaha, Amuary could only contemplate rolling her eyes or spitting at what she perceived as their childish tomfoolery. From all she had yet heard or seen, hunting didn't sound like much of a joyous endeavor. No, it sounded more like a means of survival that was nothing worth the eager anticipation her siblings had to show for it. Unbeknowst to the tiny pup, she might sadistically enjoy the kills she would later make, but as she had yet to experience this thing called hunting, the entire idea was presently viewed without much enthusiasm.

And if Amaury did not find the task entertaining, then she would simply find some petty servant to wait on her hand and foot. If he did a good job, then perhaps he could become a royal prince to the Shadowland's precious princess. Of course, that brought up another matter entirely; sometimes Amaury felt that Legacy was favored over her, if her name had anything to say about it. But maybe, Amaury mused, she would pave the path to her own legacy, although she would use any preexisting one she could lay claim to to give her a head start in life. Unfortunately, Legacy was the Kali girl, and Amaury an Acidic. This Ravesque character was nowhere to be found, so the "legacy" that backed up Amaury was that of some deadbeat loser too sorry to stick around and nurture the children he owed a decent upbringing to. But, that was all right. What if Ravesque had stayed and wasn't any better for it? For that, it was better to have no father at all.

But within a few moments, Amaury dismissed her acerbic realism. If she couldn't be a happy ray of sunshine, at least she was rather prodigious in her thinking, although she wasn't yet aware that the mindscapes of others her age were likely pieced together by much simpler ideas than her own. She would discover it soon enough, however, and it would become a lovely tool to equip to her advantage. For now, Amaury would play the role of the conformist, at least until she had a better understanding of the world around her. Done observing her siblings and now ready to move on to her own turn, she thumped her tail gently against the earth and rose to her feet, prancing happily to Fatin. She reached up, placing her overgrown paws against her mother's side as she licked at the side of her maw as an expression of gratitude for the meal she had brought them.

"Thank yew, momma," she voiced. "I loves yew." It was honesty, if a bit odd coming from Amaury. Fatin was doing her best to raise them now, and that had to be respected, especially since Ravesque was no longer here for them, which made Amaury think that Fatin didn't have to be either, and was doing the youths a great favor by sticking around. Even if the parents owed it their children to rear them well, it wasn't as if that could be mandated, so Amaury would be appreciative for what she got. Tail swishing back and forth merrily, she scuttled over to the kill to join Merit and Legacy in the feast.


Enter strange big brother!

It was the day after his return, and the only member of the pack he had laid eyes on was his own mother. Worn out from the long journey to Jaded Shadows, Endymion had fallen asleep immediately. Though he wanted to meet everyone, it was for the better, considering how revived and full of energy he was the following morning. The young man had woken before his mother and his new siblings, and could hardly resist waking them. The excitement which he felt upon seeing their tiny frames in the dim light of morning could almost be compared to a human child's at Christmastime. He held himself back, however, and settled for a walk through his birthplace. It was just like he remembered it; green, fresh, and the air always seemed quite cleaner between the evergreens.
As he headed back to the den, he caught the scent of his mother who was also returning to the family. The scent of fresh meat accompanied her's, and it made Endymion realize just how ravenous he was. The russet male trotted after her, tail waving behind him. He had barely been there a day, yet he was so full of optimism. But what if something went wrong? Any number of things could: death of a child, war, death of Fatin. Every idea perturbed him, though there was some hope in war. If ever a disagreement arose that was not in Jaded Shadow's favor, Endymion would defend them to the death, though he hoped it would never come to that. The Shadowlands had always been peaceful, or at the most, neutral to the other packs, so there was no reason for others to hate them. Right?
When the pirate son reached the den, he slowed his pace. The children had not seen him, nor even knew of his existance, so barging straight in wasn't the best idea. Lowering his head respectfully in the presence of his royal mother, he came to her side and gently nudged her shoulder, though he couldn't keep his pale green eyes off of his siblings. Each gulped their shares and gave their thanks to their mother; their manners were impressive, and caused their older brother to beam at their bloody faces. Finally, he turned to his (their) mother. "They're great," he told her, grinning.


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