Lost and Hungry...
OoC: All right..! thanks for the info..! Might come in handy someday..! ^^

WC: 431 XD

As the imposing figure stared and traveled cautious around the canis, he loudly spoke to him, revealing in his new words some of the nature of the lands beyond his sight as well as his on name...

Even with the being's approach, could barely distinguish with his available eye more than a mere shadow firmly standing and staring with a pair of glowing red eyes... With such pose, such form and those intimidating eyes BIOS would easily think that that being was beyond the very mortals and that the territories he was mentioning were some kind of promised land forbidden for any living being..!

But anyway, BIOS was so weak and troubled for staying amazed looking all the night, he stammered a little, but then cleared his voice and dared to step forward to the named Enkiel...

"Oh great walker from beyond the lands..! sir Enkiel if you let me...
Be BIOS the name you can refer to me in the need o my humble service...

Although I must apologize since I'm running in critic circumstances
and I'm more in need than you could be at the moment..!

My mother and your humble server got in a unwanted brawl with a bunch of brutes
And between the life and death I succeeded in fleeing from my chasers!

But oh the cost was high!
since I lost track of both my breeder and my homeland in my desperate search for survival..!"

BIOS tried to explain in "simple" way to the cautious being... From what could be legible in his words, it was a reasonable explanation for his current status. He was just lying in one thing: back in the moment of the fight, he would never have left his mother alone, even at cost of his own life, if it wasn't for she insisted him strongly to do so..! And yet that along his nerves attributed a lot in his last decision to run without look back..! He didn't even mention about the serious wounds he still had in the half of his face or the starvation he was suffering as he was a lot more concerned about her mother's life..! He was struggling with the guilt for leaving her alone without understanding that he would be dead by now if he hadn't..!

"Oh kind sire..! need to find her..! I need to rescue her from any distressing situation she could be living now..!
I'm in the urgent need of help..!"

The young dog, almost turned back into a helpless puppy, start begging to the seemingly indifferent being in front of him...

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