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Nodding, lilac eyes watched as Mati ascended the stairs to the upper floor. There she stood, frozen in the room’s center, looking at all its creation and she was in awe. Although, she found it abnormal that wolves lived in a human house comfortably. The fea shook her pure coat as a peculiar feeling sunk in. This was now her home, and no matter how unnatural it felt at first, Maria was sure she would come to love its beauty and mystery.

As Maria waited, her mind seemed to flip through sights and sounds on its own. 'A daydreamer from the beginning,' her mother had scolded. She was excited about Mati’s mother expecting pups. Such an event was celebrated to the fullest; a hunt, singing, playing and more. Maria expected the traditions were different here and tried to get a handle on her enthusiasm. The she-wolf’s ears twitched as they detected movement and her eyes turned to the stairs. Maria was surprised as she looked over Anu’s attributes. Small build, sand and grey coat, blue eyes, she looked nothing like Mati. Anu looked heavily of some wolf species she had never seen and like home, the Arctics.

Maria bowed low and showed her submissive body language before rising back up and greeting the Lieutenant General with a smile. The female wolf radiated a calming presence and Maria could not help but like the old girl. The arctic nodded as Anu spoke of traveling far and smiled as Anu welcomed her to stay in Crimson Dreams. The elder’s aqua eyes looked Maria over carefully and missed nothing. Mati was dismissed and the two she-wolves looked back at each other, the one present and one future.

Maria smiled as the wolf offered a tour of the house and refused gracefully. “I can have someone else take me through another time. For now, let’s rest… both of us.” Having the heavily pregnant wolfess escort her throughout the large house seemed cruel. Maria delicately sat, as if not to damage the fine flooring and watched Anu curiously before allowing her eyes to examine the room again.


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