snips, snails, and puppy-dog tails [aw]
I apologize for the wait, guys. ): Won't happen again, hopefully!

He could smell the coppery scent of fear plainly for the smaller one, the boy—as King approached, he stared as if he had risen from the ground, some legion of hell. It kind of irked King, that he didn't give him any respect if not just because he was older, and bigger. A similar expresion came over the two-tone girl as he appeared as well, though she pointedly placed herself between King and the charcoal kid. He could sense the fur along his spine prickling at this. He knew it could be interpreted as an action against him, but he remained still for right now. She did, of course, reply to his demands. Nayru—that was one name, though it didn't say anything more than a calling. She was a little too forward for his tastes, but he could always deal with that later.

"And you?" he directed the question toward the kid with the big blue eyes. King's own narrowed slightly—the only warning that the scaredy-cat was going to get. King could be a benevolent (or at least not malicious) sovereign if his subjects just did as he asked. Hell, he was pretty damn gracious to act that way. Why they could never understand that was beyond him.

The grim youth gave him just about as much time as he thought to admit a simple name—simple defeat, in his book—before saying in a low tone, "I'm King." But there was an edge to his glare that added on wordlessly: "I'm king around here, and don't you forget it." He wasn't beyond making sure they didn't forget. There wasn't much of anything that King was beyond doing.

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