Ghost Man on Third

ooc- one other please

Here it was, the coyote clan he'd heard about. He heard the name Inferni and it just rang with evil and deception. Those who came up with the name obviously wanted to strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to even think of trespassing. However, that was a bit of a fluke when it came to Tsrmono. Tsrmono couldn't feel emotion, and so wasn't afraid. He could cross borders without any remorse, but because he was very much smarted than he looked, the jackal stayed close to the borders, but never crossed them. He could see the piked skulls, which stretched across the line of the borders. It seemed like they really liked scaring people away. Of course, Tsr just sort of stared at them with a blank face.

Sitting by a rather large skull, the pure jackal watched over the seashore, staring at the ebbing and flowing tide. Behind him, he could see more burned land. Very much like the scorched lands in Dahlia de Mai. Perhaps they were warring packs. For now, Tsrmono thought nothing of it, and resumed looking out into the water with black, soulless eyes.


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