Song of the water carried by the breeze ...
Hi and thank you! Only one question so far ... how to you italicize, bold etc.?

Ever had closed her eyes by the time another wolf finally join her on the ledge. The male’s voice didn't startle her like it would have when she had traveled alone, for she had heard him coming long off. By the sound of his amble, Ever could tell he was stiff; not in shape to be a potential threat. Slowly, she opened her eye and turned her head swiftly to take in the image of the male. He smelled strangely, something strong of the sea. He seemed to be studying Ever like she was not what he expected. She returned the gaze with a pastoral expression, minding the male’s size. After a second thought to his question, she answered with a smooth voice "I've been wandering for a long time and afraid I've lost direction. My apologizes, but I'm afraid I cannot answer you." Ever shifted her white paws.

The whole journey was easy to forge from her memory. She suppressed a shutter as the bitter breeze from the ocean whistled in her ears. Suddenly, all the weariness came flooding and threatened to over whelm Ever. Her legs shook with the faux exhaustion as her eyes glazed over with terrible memories. But the warmth of the other wolf brought her to her senses. She covered up her emotions by flicking her tail and dipping her head, though it swam with confusion.

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