And they sing; welcome to the world
Character Name: Ilyich Cenin
Character Birthdate (including year): May 12th year 5 (off site)
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: regular wolf
Species: Canis lupus lupus verto
Gender: female
A secondary form of contact: email -
Currently played characters: N/a
How you found 'Souls: Recomended by current member - Ivory
3 Roleplaying Examples OR fill out your profile:
Profile filled out; here is an example of role play.


Twilight was a time of sorrow. A time when everything faded into blackness. Cool air whispered along the rim of this shivering lake. Nothing but cold air, and the shuddering shape hunkered near the edge of the waves. He stared, and it would seem he was dying. Ginger orbs watched him quietly. Hovering darkly in the wood behind him, the tawny animal watched with silent dissapointment. In her comming here she had at once thought she would eb alone, and yet it would seem this was denied to her. The large male stood, his legs moving in robotic formation as he wadded amongst the waters. Flame tinted orbs followed his movements. The beast they belonged to skulked shadow like in the wood beyond. She was the newest member of Lagrata, and so she had few and rather mineal tasks. Her long limbs pulled her slowly along the edge of the brush, eyes never leaving the brooding black mass as it shifted its huge self into the water.

She had finished her menial tasks and so had wandered her way away from the waterfall. Its dull roar had left her ears for the first time sence she had joined Largrata, and she had been slightly thankful for the loss of the pounding noise. And now in this shaded wood she had seeked her silent reverie, only to find this hulking shadow stealing it away. Ilyich frowned deeply at the black wolf. So much for silence. This animal looked as if he where prepared to dive his snout into the water and never draw it out. Hackles shuddering, Ilyich paced forward paws landing in a solid line. Cat like in her stance the Lupe twisted her head to keep her orange gaze locked on the other. If she where hidden by the summer thick foliage surrounding her shoulders then the male was open to the world. The twilight faded, darkness folding in on all sides.

Amber light fell away from the sky as the sun sank behind the rolling land. Trees reached up to claw at its fading essence and still she watched. Tan pelt shifting as she moved, the wolf kept herself as silent as possible. Unsure of what her next move should be the Psi lifted her head once, only slightly above her covering of under growth. Her ginger eyes narrowed as she stared at the back of the animal's shoulders. Why was he here with that pitiful slump to his huge shoulders? Gaurd hairs lifting ILyich glared suspisously at the other's back. She knew he had a name, she was sure it was important. There was somthing about the black wolf's shape that made her think she had heard of him spoken in Lagrata's camp. Then again she truly couldn't say she cared. Sure he had a name, but it didn't mean she cared to know it.

Bright eyes narrowing further, Ilyich crept from her hiding place. Hopefuly the huge beast would not see her movement. He still seamed to be wallowing in the water, his snout hanging. Her long lethe body slippped neatly from the under growth. It would be easier to move faster in silence along the out side of the wood, but she would need to be careful. Her tan pelt would easily be spotted against the green beside her, adn she did not know how the other would react to her presence. Lips withering back in worry the usualy militaristic she-wolf found herself padding cat like along the rim of woodland, praying that the huge battle ready mope in the water would not sense her movement.

"Fallen leaves on the ground"

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