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Zadkiel was not the type who needed someone right beside him at every waking moment. No, he was comfortable waltzing around unknown territory without a family member by his side. He had his knives, he was smart, and he was bold. Zadkiel had that overconfident air about him that could be very dangerous if it continued to blossom. But he could care less, he had no fears, as far as he was concerned, he might as well be immortal.

But his siblings, on the other hand, were not quite so able. The D’Angelo clan was in fact a bit eccentric when it all came down to it. He had a brother who fantasized about being a mermaid, a sister who suffered from delusions and liked dancing around for no apparent reason, and of course Nox who was very timid and was hardly capable on her own. Even he was nowhere near normal, with his strange obsession with knives and death. But at least he could survive, for his siblings he feared the worst.

As her cheerfulness on the subject came forth in a rather confident confirmation, a smile broke out on the cream-colored boys face. Zadkiel held tight to his tiniest sister’s hand, as though reassuring her that he wasn’t going to let her go. As she spoke up with her thoughts, the lone wolf nodded eagerly, playing along as much as he could to encourage Nox. "Yeah! I bet you’re right, Noxxy!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "They prolly turn off their lights, so we can’t see ‘em! We gotta look realllll hard to find ‘em I bet! Where do you think we should look first?" he asked sincerely. Zadkiel had learned that it was best to include his sister in everything he did. When he did that, she seemed to lose her fear a bit and open up. He loved his sister dearly and at heart, all he really wanted was to see her having a good time.


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