Bows and Curtsies

OMG I SUCK SO MUCH (lolwut? shuddup I do :p). D: I am sorry. Forgive me?

Though Vigilante knew of what had happened between the redhead and his mate's brother, he did not want that to be a problem between himself and Strelein. It was none of his business, regardless, what either of the two men did for fun. He did not think it was entirely Ayita's business, either, but he could not tell her otherwise. Zafier was her brother, and she had been the one to walk in on them together. "Thank you," he said, taking the package from the tailor. "I am sure she will appreciate the work you put into them."

The caramel-colored King stepped back into the house, placing the package on the edge of the sofa. He then held the door open a bit wider. "Would you like to come in?" He did not know how long Strelein intended to stay, but he did not mind spending time talking with him. "Ever is fine. She seems to be settling in well, gets along with Ayita nicely. She's sharing a room with Amaranth right now."

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