Every step we take gives us strength to go on

indent Icarus had shifted only a few times now, but already he was becoming more comfortable with the transition. Sure, it still took him quite some time, but he found the prospect of the whole thing intriguing. With this new ability came his new rank, and with his new rank came the knowledge that he was maturing. Despite his love of life and exploration, Icarus was now becoming more interested in growing up. He had been advised to cherish his youth, but it was hard to take that advice when he had yet to experience adult hood.

indent In the old city, the very place he shifted for the first time, Icarus had discovered old human clothes. A pair of blue jeans, a little snug for his body, hung around his hips. A small hole was ripped in one knee as well as on the adjacent thigh. Either way, Icarus found the clothing as another form of expression – something to complement the ear piercing he had received not too long ago.

indent He hadn’t really had the intentions of wandering home, but his daily exploration of Storm happened to take him by the river. Seeing both his sisters and his father outside of their old den, Icarus paused to take in the scene. With a broad smile, he advanced towards his family. Life had been good ever since his father had regained his strength. "Mornin’ everyone!" He called out, tucking one hand absentmindedly into a front pocket.


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