Awakening: The smell of salt
Pendzez didn't seem to understand the problem, only have a thought of it. This creature in the cave seemed to be afraid of the white male. Why? Lupercis were common around here in Souls. There were some wolves or lupercis that seem to not like other lupercis, despite maybe being one themselves. Some just don't grasp the fact that only a handful of lupercis are to be feared. It all comes down to how the luperci in question's personality or social behaviour. Yet, how can one fear them, if he hasn't met them?

Pendzez looked further into the cave, still unable to spot the fleeing canine. He practically entered the inner mouth with no hesitation, still progressing on, trying to find the cowering wolf. All he heard back in reply was a fearful voice. "I want nothing from you, except a reason to why you are hiding from me. Whats there to fear of me? Have you not met a Luperci before?" he asked back, hoping to get a good answer.

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