a gust of wind at night
Ahaha, I was going to pester you for a thread after this one; but no time like the present! Also, Scree was an NPC in a few of Mor's threads a while back... hence the history.

A rough, gravelly voice broke the bird's reverie. The words were so thickly accented that he could hardly understand the meaning. "No, I'm not." He said clearly in the language that the wolves usually used. Blessed once by corvidae gift for bending words, twice by an excellent teacher and thrice by the mistress of experience, Scree's words should be easy enough to understand (although his accent wasn't quite as good as he thought it to be). The raven was displeased at being drawn from his thoughts at this late hour, but a driving curiosity overruled his ill-temper. Wolves taking trouble to learn the lesser languages was not a common thing, and he was more curious than the proverbial dead cat. "My name's Scree."

He shifted sideways along the branch, exposing himself to what was left of the day's half-light. Scree was in every way your average raven in appearance, save for a greater height than was common among his kin. There was evidence of hard living beneath well-glossed feathers, but those old scars had been long hidden away. Beady eyes turned to the cream she-wolf below, and studied her for a long moment. Wolves still all looked much the same to him, but this was one he remembered. Scree had lived with Fiacha and her mother long enough to tell the principal members of Jaded Shadows apart, though he had never taken any interest in learning anything more about them.

This one though, she had been one of the duo to take the old alpha's place, the one who Scree had 'looked after' while her daughter was visiting the growing family to the south. Both bird and wolf had thought the arrangement rather ridiculous -- a raven playing nursemaid to a canine twice his age? -- but both had also submitted (more-or-less) quietly out of love for the daughter. What Mordulin had thought of him he never really cared to know, but as long as she offered him part of her meal, the bird had thought her best of her breed. Scree had shadowed the like-colored wolf for some months, but had never involved himself in pack affairs - so he had no idea if the new alpha below would know him or not. Maybe tonight wouldn't be as boring as he'd thought. "You're Tayui."

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