make it a memory.
She flinched as Lucifer gave a soft bark, not expecting it. She'd heard Tayui's howl and was struggling to her feet. Her fractured leg still hurt. It would for a while, she guessed, having never broken anything before. She checked to see the ornate blade was in it's scabbard at her side before moving forward and joining her mate. Some mate. He'd cheated on her, she was aware of that now. And still, she hadn't left.

Maybe she enjoyed being a martyr. Or maybe she just couldn't bring herself to leave him. Not now. Not yet. Maybe someday, after all was said and done. She didn't know. She didn't care. She was tired and sore, and more lonely than she'd ever been before. Bi-colored eyes assessed her mate, then turned away, dull and disinterested, a hand on her extended belly.

Last time they'd actually spoken more than a few words, she'd brought up the possibility of pups. He'd told her no. Her bulging belly siad it was too late to say no. She'd suspected then, but hadn't been sure until they'd started moving a few days later. And now her belly was definately bulging. She wondered how he hadn't noticed. then again, they hadn't been speaking much either, and very much avoiding the sight of one another. Maybe that was how he didn't know. Well, he knew now. Everyone knew now.

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