to find a mockingbird.
348. Ooooh! Big Grin That's pretty. And sorry about ignoring the action -- I think I couldn't read the text at the bottom of your table and didn't see it. XD

Softly and gently, Tayui’s mind began to piece itself together. It was a wonder she was still able to form complete sentences after being given such horrible news. She could only be glad that she had not seen the dead body; she doubted she would have been able to recover after that. And where children could block out memories and hide away their pains, she knew she would have to live this for the rest of her life. She could not deny herself this memory or this knowledge: it was true that ignorance was bliss. While her other daughter was still missing, at least she had that sliver of hope that she might return: her beautiful daughter with her sea foam eyes.

As Tayui tried to push aside her guilt, she slowly re-entered the present world. The collie woman was still there with her clawed hand hanging awkwardly by her side. Tayui hoped the other luperci had not injured herself – it was at a rather odd angle. For a moment, these musings distracted her mind long enough for her to clearly hear the other woman’s reply, and then, her question.

Tayui closed her eyes and exhaled softly, then slowly began to shake her head. She did not shake it in reply as a no, but rather, to indicate that she had no answer. Her shoulders rose and fell, shrugging slowly in unison. Neither of them knew what to do: they were just old widows, lost in the forest.

“I don’t want to burden you,” she replied, opening her eyes. As soon as she saw the other woman’s gaze, she dropped her eyes to the ground, following the movement of the other woman’s hands. Tayui watched in silent contemplation before blurting: “he killed my daughter.” There. There was no going back. “I didn’t love him. But he was her father and he killed her.” It was more a statement than an admission, as if Tayui thought she had nothing to be sorry for. She had so much to be sorry for that she did not know where to begin.


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