to find a mockingbird.
336. I think we can end soon, yeah! Lovely thread! Smile

Tayui realized only after she spoke that perhaps she had gone too far. Perhaps it was too much, and perhaps she was not meant to know what the phrase meant. But if she was to be delivering coded messages, she would prefer to know what she was telling others. She knew it might be a little overly suspicious, but at the same time, she had a right to know if this information was good or not, didn’t she? She did not want to be the unfortunate bringer of bad news, especially to an estranged son. At that thought, she felt her heart twinge a little, bringing her memories of her other son. She took a hold of the feeling and nursed it as she walked with Alaine, letting the feeling blossom. She shivered as she re-remembered why it hurt so much to be without her other son. It hurt to have her family torn apart and she could understand so well why Alaine wanted to see her son again, too.

Tayui nodded in response when Alaine spoke, glad to know that the term was a good one. She suspected it was descriptive – of some sort of idea that was golden in colour. The sun, a wolf, a fox – it could be anything really and there was no point trying to muddle her way through this mystery.

“I suppose the same to you. If you see Attila, just tell him I love him,” she replied with a quiet smile. “And that no matter where he goes or what he does, I always will.” She hesitated, and then added: “but it’s so much easier to love when someone lives.” More social commentary.

As their pace slowed, Tayui reached out to catch Alaine’s hand and hold it in her own. She offered the wolfdog a small smile, hoping that somehow this would make things more pleasant for the both of them. Knowing that there was someone else out there who could practically relate helped so much. Just knowing helped.


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