Xmas in July 2010
Christmas in July!

Yes it's back, back again!

__Blow the dust off your GIMP and Photoshop programs and get into a festive spirit; it's Christmas in July once again!

How will this work?

__It's simple! Choose whichever 'Souls character you would like to have a set made for and fill out the form that is listed below this paragraph. Once everyone has submitted their information it will be sent out to a randomly selected person. This person will make your set and you will make a set for the person whose information has been sent to you. Then everyone posts the sets that they have made in the drop off/pick up thread!

__ Everyone that participates will be elligible for the Snow OOC Catacombs skull. :3

The Form!


__Character Name:

__Character Gender:

__Character Age:

__Example Pictures: (If you have any!)

__Character Description: (Include coat color, eye color, fur pattern and markings such as scars.)

__Jewelry or Tattoos:


__Picture you would like used: (If you have one.)



__Table Size Preference:

__Color Scheme:



__Picture you would like used: (If you have one, or a description of something you would like.)



__Text or Image?:


__Picture you would like used: (If you have one.)


__Best Way to Contact you: (Email or PMs, so that the set Info can be sent.)

When's stuff due?

__Sign ups will be open for one week starting July 4st and ending July 11th. On the night of the 11th all information will be sent out and everyone is free to start working on their sets. The Drop Off/Pick Up thread will be opened up at this point and we hope everyone will be able to have their set done by the 1st of August. That's three weeks for everyone to finish up! :]

REMEMBER! If you fail to turn in your set by the deadline, you will be put on our Contest Ban list. This means that you will be unable to participate in all 'Souls OOC events and contests until you complete your assignment for Xmas in July. It isn't fair to your partner otherwise!

Members Participating:












Lou/Lucia Cabriel






Jenny/Lucia Marino


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