Xmas in July 2010
__Character Name: Mars Bartholomew Russo - click name for profile
__Character Gender: Male
__Character Age: 2 years +
__Example Pictures:

__Character Description: Based in creamy white. Left side of face is completely black, right is white, at the crest of his head, it is chocolate brown. His neck is completely white on both sides. On his left side, there is a patch of black that extends from the base of his neck on the right side and blanketing over to the left sight and engulfs his entire left arm. Right arm is white. belly is white. Pinky finger or toe on left hand is brown. "black pants" from his hips down to before his knees. Tail base is black and brown as well as the tip. middle toe on right foot is brown, ring finger/toe on left is brown. steel blue eyes.
Notable Scars Right bicep- five slashes, Left wrist - Four slashes, Ribcage Left side- MARS carved into it, Nose - slash in the middle of it, Mid back- <3, Left hind leg/ankle- five slashes, right hind leg/ankle - six slashes
__Jewelry or Tattoos: Above his right eye there is lll symbol in black, tattooed there, on his left cheek there is a ·o. symbol in white. Has black ø sign on his chest, right in the middle of his chest. Right wrist has red ₪ on the inside of his wrist.
__Text: "Mars", "Bartholomew", or simply "The Quiet Man" works.
__Picture you would like used: n/a
__Other: if attempting to edit a picture for him, i suggest starting out with a white husky and turning it the appropriate colors. Also, if you just can't do his coloring, then you can always do a muzzle shot or something.

__Table Size Preference: 420 but you can make it however large or small you see fit.
__Color Scheme: black, greens, dull blues.
__Mood: dreamer-ish, silence, or destruction, devastation.
__Lyrics: Mad Wolrd by Gary Jules
Bad Romance by 30 seconds to mars (cover)
Search and Destroy by 30 Seconds to Mars
Phase 1: Fortification by 30 seconds to mars
__Picture you would like used: n/a
__Other: if you can't deal with editing him in there, then you can do a picture of a white guitar, a violin, a piano, or you can do a picture of a stage or a beach in California, or a destroyed city or even the planet of Mars.

__Text or Image?: either, doesn't matter to me.
__Lyrics/Words: Maybe tonight we can forget about it all
It could be just like heaven
I am a machine
No longer living, just a shell of what I dreamed

__Picture you would like used: n/a
__Other: n/a

__Best Way to Contact you: PM on Daisuke's account.

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