It could be wrong [Halifax]
ooc stuff!

The sprawling city lay out before her like a welcome-mat. Ember had traversed the twisty streets of Halifax so many times and for so very many days in a row that she was now becoming quite familiar with the place. It was huge, almost too large for a newcomer to the city to brave, but the AniWayan was conquering it bit by bit. That was how one conquered little piece at a time.

Dust blanketed Halifax, coming off the street in silver wisps as her paws touched down on the pavement. Everything here was old and dead, long gone, but for some reason Ember found that comforting. In AniWaya there was life abound; plants and animals everywhere, life everywhere. There was something about this place that made her feel comfortably empty in a sensory aspect.

Pale green eyes stared out at the street in front of her. The sun had gone down over the horizon hours earlier, but she didn't feel up to stopping just yet. Something drove her to walk farther into the city, deeper into the heart of the rusted, delapidated beast. She wore nothing this night besides her weapons-belt, which she took everywhere that she went. Three weapons sat strapped comfortably into the belt; a long knife, a small axe, and her sword.

The part of the city that she was approaching was very familiar to her, the area that Naniko had burned during her cocaine-induced tirade. She walked past bar after bar before finally finding one that wasn't quite as scorched as the others. Ember chose to kick in the door rather than risk the splinters, and the half-burnt door fell over beneath the weight of her foot.

After the dust settled a bit she could see that the place had hardly been touched. There was a bar area, yes, but it seemed like this was more of a club than anything...there was an area for dancing, restrooms, and a place back behind everything else that she could assume were more private rooms. It had been one of the more fancier places; the luperci popped her head into one of the back rooms to take a look around, and was surprised by how great everything looked.

Perhaps she would spend the night here tonight. Ember would need some rest before she looked around some more in the morning. Would she be able to sleep, though, without the sound of her son breathing? She hadn't spent a night away from him in a while, and even as she laid down on one of the beds in the back room she could feel the difference. Maybe a drink would do her some calm her and help her sleep. It was a bar..they had to have at least one or two bottles left in the place. She rolled over and stood up, heading back to the front to look.


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