All this time I was waiting for you
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Bahhh, I'm so slow lately! DX I hate it!

Wc: 310 ~

All too familiar was the sensation of her ears burning, the prickle of embarrassed grace that the fae usually responded with when complimented. Anu had a way of making the fae feel respected and special - a feeling that few wolves in her life could. Savina, Ehno, and Jazper, obviously, were among those - but for Anu, who she didn't know that well, to be included, made it all the more special. For Anu held a high rank among the pack - and for Anu to say such things to Ghita without knowing her as long as her siblings had, well, that was special indeed.

At first fearing that she'd overstepped some boundaries, Ghita snuck a quick look to her companion out of the corner of her eyes. The sigh that Anu had breathed after Ghita had asked about her pups was slightly worrisome, although the timber fae couldn't piece together why that might be an issue. So for now, she just let out a soft sigh, bringing her good leg to her chest and wrapping her arms around that leg, giving Anu her full attention that wasn't wavering on the young pups.

"Hmm.. indeed, that does make sense." Nodding in contemplation, Ghita couldn't help but agree with Anu - her boys were already exploring at a faster rate that Ghita had expected. Almost guiltily, she wondered what would've happened if Ghita had named her own pups after her co-rank's skill - would Sophia end up being called "rabbit", and Aro "mouse"?

But Anu's question was completely out of left field. She hadn't even given the prospect much thought, if any. "Umm..." Both her facial expression and stiff posture made it clear that this was startling, and Ghita was completely unsure of how to respond. "To tell you the truth, Jaz and I haven't given it much thought at all..."


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