Night of the Hunter
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OOC: Hurricane by 30 seconds to mars is what i'm listening to currnetly. +5
Where is your God?

The hulking male in front of him would speak again, an accent firm on his own tongue as was Mars' own, but the two accents were clearly different, and Mars could feel the urge to mimic the accent as he did with his father, and his brother and their Russian accents. Larkspur D'Angelo this other male's name was, and Mars contemplated the name for a minute, letting his mouth form the name, but his voice was far from audible. He did not let a sound pass his lips, his mind wandering slightly. His name reminded him of something silly, something that stupid Kiev would say the other male's name was. He curled his maw in a small smile before it quickly was erased with the sudden guilt of leaving the child on his own (he wasn't really a child, but an adult, but the male acted so differently, so retardedly that Mars considered him to have a mind of a child.) and coming to Nova Scotia without the other male. Kiev was an idiot, but within the amount of time the two did spend together (probably somewhere close to a month) Kiev had grown on the actor. Thinking about the male caused mixed emotions, definitely since the male was family, so he was supposed to love him, but just the way that Kiev acted sometimes got on Mars' nerves almost like Bart would get on Mars' nerves but he could do nothing about it because he couldn't hurt him. It was a complicated relationship, but it was one of those relationships that he found to be enjoying in a twisty turny way. He hated the kid because he was annoying, but with Kiev around, it cut his time as Bart down a considerable amount. Mars' smile quickly faded to say the least. He nodded his head lightly.

The other would speak again about his appearance. Mars' mismatched ears fell flat on his head, his eyes that, in the daylight would have been hidden by his sunglasses had moved down and looked at the ground for a moment, a small look of sorrow before his eyes would travel back up and give a cold glance to the dark male. I'm not from around here. And it's a lot colder here than it was where I winter it might not be comfortable anymore.... the male made the excuse of that his coat was shorter with the other, but it was probably just a lie. Mars wore clothes because he wore clothes since he was little, and he would cover the scars, and the gashes so he didn't have people looking at him funny. He was scared of his imperfections and showing them to the world. The kid had emotional issues, and they still lingered in his mind, probably always would. Mars wouldn't let himself be consumed by Bart yet though. Not yet. What were you doing out here, sir Larkspur? the male would lift his ivory hued ear to the male, wondering where he could be going at this time of night. Probably the same place, home, but you know, not literally, since the other was heading north, while he was heading south. They now were just blocking each other's path it seemed.

Mars Speaks Bartholomew Speaks


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