they will bite the hand.

Crappy post n-n

"Do you not know how to look past what people want you to believe?" She questioned the females words "Do you not find it amazing how you can look into this liquid air and see a whole 'nother world?" She took a step towards the wolf with golden eyes and softened her position, lowering herself to rest on the cold ground. Her head rested on her paws as she viewed the world around her, the creatures, the earth, the spirits.. Dangerous and amazing all at the same time.

"I am not one who believes in the close-mindedness of religion." She stated with a laugh. Maybe she was insane, or maybe she had learned to just look more closely at things. "Though you behold much beauty, you do not seem to be much of a believer." She placed the compliment casually, quickly switching back to the main topic "Loxian, is the name of the language. It was believed to be an elvish language some time ago, but no one can prove that for sure." She paused, her lips turning up at the edges at the thought of the words leaving the mouth as something so beautiful as an elf. The words that had been spoken earlier seemed poetic, though they did not exactly flow together. "A man whom I had known since I was a youngster.. He taught me the beauty of Loxian.. A human had been known to sing in Loxian. Her name was Enya.. Those words, lyrics, are the same that she had spoken long ago. They seem like a prayer almost." Her words hung mid air, ready to float away in the gentleness of the breeze"Tell me, do you fear the unknown?"


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