they will bite the hand.

Table by Orin

Yuki looked over the hybrid again, then let out a laugh that had been well held. When she spoke again, her words seemed to be spun with annoyance as well as acceptance "Funny. Almost all the words of the english language can be used to hurt others." she had learned this from her mother. The monster that had gave birth too her made every word of the english language sound evil. Though she herself was young compared to most, it seemed that she picked up some thing from every place she went, as well as every experience she had. She was easily swayed, a disgusting mixture of evil and good. Too her, no one was completely innocent. Any one who claimed to be innocent was more of a liar then any thing else.

"I don't think I would care enough to have a religion. This entire world is what I worship, not what others believe." She took a minute to consider what she was saying, then came to the conclusion that she really didn't give a damn if she was passing into unfamilar grounds. She couldn't come up with a reason why any one would even look down upon another for believing in some thing different then what they themselves were taught to believe. "Humans were many things, but I do not believe all of them were destroyers. Not all of us are good, as not all of them were spiteful" some thing in her mind was telling her to add some thing else, it was on the tip of her tongue, yet it seemed not ready to leave yet. Her eyes were drawn back to to the female while she spoke again "Your not blameless either, but you know that, don't you?" she wasn't sure if she would answer, it wouldn't really matter if she did or not. It was common to not want to own up to your own faults, Yuki wasn't even sure she could say her own.


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