Let the morning renew your soul
Sorry for suckagesdfohsdf

Laughter and joy had never found a home in Haku Soul’s cabin. His childhood had been black and white and filled with fear. This house was different; those who lived in it were different. This was a happy home. He rose with the sound of laughter echoing through the building and retired as the stars started to appear on a dimly lit summer sky. Sometimes he wondered if he ever would grow accustomed to this life. Would he ever fall so low that he would one day take it for granted? He hoped not. His past held a lot of misery that helped him to see how blessed his life had become. Dahlia seemed to be a happy and peaceful place after the usurper finally had been removed. It was blooming anew, and its members together with it.

As the young leader stepped out into the sunlight, those lavender hued orbs found the seated form of Saluce. He walked over to the male and greeted him wordlessly with a dip of his muzzle. The poor loner’s time here had not been a particularly quiet one. Some of the children really seemed to have taken to him. There were many individuals that quite despised children, but he thought that the loner had handled the situation well. The bone needed time to grow and the loner had remained in Dahlia. Saluce could walk out and away from the lands whenever he chose to, but Conor was glad to see that he was still here. ”Beautiful morning, huh?” the young Soul male noted, stating the obvious.


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