Let the morning renew your soul
300+ fail reply is fail q_q

An ear slowly twisted in quiet thought as the man spoke. He recognized the language as French, but he could not understand it well. He could guess well if the words spoken resembled the English word somewhat, but aside from that he was on unstable ground. He could not judge whether or not the man was joking as he included man whore on the list of professions. Obviously he would not bring it up, but for some reason he found his thoughts darting to Bris. Saluce was bound to interact quite a bit with her since he had spent quite some time in the alpha’s home. He brushed away this strange thought without taking the time to discover what the nature of the emotions present was.

”Very interested,” It was a magnificent idea. The packs around them seemed to slowly specialize in different things. Both Aniwaya, Phoenix Valley and Cour des Miracles were known for holding animals and to a degree working the soil. Dahlia remained nonspecific in their way of life. He liked the rich variety of members this brought, but these lands held possibilities. The packland included a whole town that could be used. They had vineyards, they had fields and old abandoned farms. They could use this. And here was a weapon smith willing to continue the skills he had picked up in Europe. The young Soul male was immensely grateful for having gotten to know this wolf, and even more so for being able to call him a pack mate.

The older male continued to speak and the young alpha listened with silent appreciation apparent in softly hued eyes. He knew little about the working of metal, but it was clear to hear that this male knew what he was talking about. ”You are free to establish your shop wherever you wish. I’m grateful that we have gotten someone who knows how to take advantage of what Dahlia has to offer. We have an entire city, but we have not really done much about it. There are many possiblities here.” The subject did not remain the same, but Conor’s thoughts were rolling now. He just had not thought that much about it in the past. ”Perhaps your blacksmithing shop could be a start,” he continued, saying out loud what he was thinking. ”I’ve been thinking about freshen up the small clinic at the end of the street here to gather our medical supply in one place.”


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