Love like you've never been loved before
Lucifer didn't say a word, he was more then willing to let the white lady say all that she had to say. Lucifer had to say that the more she talked, the more he felt for her. He had never had a lover die on him, now he's never had any other lover then the one that he had left back in Clouded Tears. Though hearing about how quickly time with a lover could be cut short. Lucifer gave a nod, as he thought over his words, wanting to pick out the correct one, and not upsetting the white lady with saying any thing to harsh...which he was very good at doing really with out trying.

"If you need any thing let me know. I always have more then enough fresh kill around the lands. I try to hunt for the young, the old and the soon to me mothers. What would be a rabbit or something small like that."

What more could he offer? It wasn't his pack to call members of his old pack to live in. The blue eyed male gave sigh, with a shake of his head. Why was it so hard to love and be loved back. What was wrong.

"I just wish his whore of a mother could be filled with as much if not more sadness then you."

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