[M] [P] Alone, I break.

WC: 520.

There was a simple nod, nothing more. It was apparent that their humour differed greatly, a shame really. She could use the amusement considering past events. Oh well, she would find another way to connect to him, it would be a challenge. She always did like to take on difficult tasks. As predicted, he didn’t speak. Just watched her. She shifted slightly, her eyes moving from the sketchbook, and returning to the frowning male. She wondered if perhaps there was a reason to his constant unhappy expression, but did not press the matter. If he wanted to speak about it, he would. Lucia knew, from experience, that coyotes paid little mind to the wolf in their clan, and if possible, pretended she wasn’t there – or at most, wasn’t wolf.

Those cold bi-coloured eyes still change; they remained statuesque in their beauty. Lucia always had a thing for eyes; that was no secret. Snake’s eyes had been one of the first things she had noticed, his coyote form never bothering her. She pondered on the reasons why there was so much hatred between the two, but it didn’t last long. She couldn’t be bothered to figure it out, thus blamed it on the Dahlia feud. That was simple enough, and it summed things up nicely. It made things simpler, thus allowing the ebony princess to continue feeling hated and unaccepted. The story of her life, really. Why would this be any different?

“I was thinking,” she paused, a myriad of flashing images in her mind, all those designs she had seen in books passing through the corridors of her mind like bullets through a window. The smash, crash, dead effect as she called it – it made decisions easier, and being relatively indecisive by nature, it was perhaps a blessing. “Maybe something to do with the pentagram?” Her eyes flashed dangerously, she wasn’t sure why that had come to mind, but perhaps it was the bitterness she felt toward society at the moment. Especially those called Daisuke. She growled quietly, his face had flashed in front of her eyes. Every time he haunted her, she wanted to kill something, someone. He created a rage that almost always overpowered her, but no, she would not surrender today. Breathing sharply, she felt her muscles relax again. It had passed, thankfully. She did not think Cotl would take too kindly to having his eyes scratched out, nor would she fair any better. He seemed to know what he was doing, thus, she would keep her distance.

“You’re welcome,”
she finally spoke, responding to his words of thanks bleakly. All hype had vanished; her mind had made sure of that. Maybe a few lines would cure her, or maybe it would make things worse – it was a risk she was willing to take. “It would only be about the same size as this one,” she signalled to her chest. “How much you want for that then?” Her face blank, empty. They were like mirror images of each other, their expressions matching almost perfectly. “And how about a piercing too? Just the one ear… What you think?”


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