An Old Man's Quest: Part 1


The stranger was quick to spot him once he had called out in greeting, apparently studying him for a moment before leaping up from the rock he had been resting on. Ehno nearly stumbled in surprise when he heard the man call back to him in his native tongue. It wasn’t too often the Marino ran into someone around these parts that knew the language of his homeland. There had been those two Italians he had run into in the small village to the north, but he hadn’t seen hide nor hair of either of them in recent months. Naniko had also known her fair share of the romance language, but she was long gone herself, journeying off to who knows where to search for family. Ehno had been convinced that he and his family were once again the only Italian speakers lingering around this region, and now here was this stranger, showing off his own knowledge of the language.

The Marino found a smile leaping to his lips as the old man began to apologize and explain his assumption while grabbing his cane and hobbling closer. Ehno himself came to a halt a short distance from the other male, crossing his arms idly to rest against his chest. “Sí, parlo Italiano. Sono di Italia,” he replied, smile widening by a slight fraction. “I have to say, you have quite an ear to be able to recognize my accent. Most people around here aren’t familiar with Italian at all.” He made the switch back to English, unsure of just how comfortable this man was in speaking in Ehno’s native tongue. It certainly seemed like this male had experience with the language, and perhaps had even spent time in Italy himself. His preference for clothing and the ornate cane he carried with him reminded Ehno very much of Europe. Most of the souls native to this region preferred to remain closer to their wilder origins, and seldom did he see many Luperci around these parts donning clothing, but it certainly did seem to be a slowly growing trend, if he were to guess.

Ehno found himself wondering about the origins of this male. He certainly had the makings of a European, with his more humanized appearance and knowledge of the romance language, but the Marino didn’t want to put too much stock into his assumption without more proof. “I’m Ehno Marino,” he finally said after a short moment, offering the old man his hand in a greeting that wasn’t terribly common around these parts.


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