wemoweh, wemoweh (in the jungle!)

Oh, so this was the other father figure in Dierdre’s life. Now that he mentioned it, Pilot was sure he had heard of that before. In the back of his mind he thought… hadn’t he heard about Physe’s death? He thought it might have been coming back to him, hearing about it, or maybe his mind was making up things only because of what Physe had just told him now.

"Me? Oh, well, I’ve come to Bleeding Souls from a place not too far from here. It’s south, actually, though I’m not sure of the exact point. I don’t know who my real parents were, but my adoptive mother and brother still live there. Dierdre and I actually plan on visiting them sometime." He had hoped to see them this fall, but plans had changed when Dierdre had fallen ill. It was another reminder to Pilot why they really needed an apothecary.


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