These So Called Devils

Sorry for the delay, I missed putting this in my post log. :[ Won't happen again!

A call from directly south of his current position drew Gabriel’s patrol to a halt. He lifted his head to the air, but the wind was against him. With a grunt, the Aquila turned and was moving again, loping towards the borders in the languid pace of a wolf. It was apparent he did not truly belong among the coyotes. Still he wore their crown and defended the land with a stubbornness that was almost madness. In a very real way, it was. Inferni alone had kept him alive—not his family, whom had either abandoned or turned against him, not his now-dead enemy, not even God. Inferni. Inferni alone was to what Gabriel owed his life.

Next to one of the sun-bleached skulls was a large black wolf. Gabriel was not intimidated by his size, but he respected it none the less. The man had a yellow mark on his face and, as the wind turned for a moment, carried the scent of Crimson Dreams. As far as Gabriel was concerned that pack and his own were neutral. They were not allies, not truly, for the most interaction he had with them was through Anu. Perhaps she had sent someone herself, unable to travel. Maybe she was hurt. His eyes darkened momentarily but there was no anger in them as he neared.

“Can I help you?” His gruff voice asked.

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