An Old Man's Quest: Part 2

^-^ Here I am! Sorry the post is a little rambly at the beginning... xD
Wc: 636

"Etiam sit amet lacus sem, vitae dignissim massa."

It wasn't an unusual sight to see the Lieutenant prowling the lands at this - or any - hour of the day. Not only did her ranks of Lieutenant and Courser dictate long days of activity, but it was the wanderlust that stirred in her veins today that spurred her towards Tailerman's Cottage, crossing the countryside with more difficulty than usual. Ever since the barn had collapsed on her slender leg, she'd walked with a cane supporting her right side, the heavy wooden stick frequently used to prod at disobedient pups, if not it's proper use.

All the same, the day was wondrous; Enough to pull the Italian fae out of her foul mood. Bright turquoise optics scanned the area around her, while the wind whistled through her timber-hued pelt and caused slender emerald blades to nip at her ankles. The slender fae turned her cranium towards the periwinkle heavens, breathing in the day for a moment, and letting the wild air out in an exhilarating gust. The wild had become nothing but more precious to Ghita, since her time on bed rest for her knee. Sure, she couldn't run across the lands as she had before, and her hunting had taken a slight turn for the worse, but she was still agile and able, and recovery was slow but sure.

The Italian fae let her chestnut hair be teased by the winds for a moment, closing her optics to enjoy the moment. Her ocean-blue sarong whipped around her figure, slapping against her walking stick as the weather rejuvenated her once more. The air had always been, and always would be dead inside Haven Manor, as much as she loved her home with Jazper, Aro and Sophia. She had been brought up in the Italian outdoors, had wandered with Nomads outdoors, and crossed the sea to Canada to remain outdoors - it was in her blood, her very soul to be content in the wild, more so than inside. And on a glorious day like today, it was no exception.

But with the wind came an unfamiliar scent to Ghita, and instantly her mood flipped from one of relaxed bliss to suspicion. The scent was a male canine's, that much was sure, and he seemed to be not too far off. The mother's first thoughts were towards the safety of Crimson Dreams' young; Her own sister, Savina, had young puppies now, and so did Anu, Savina's second in command. And of course, one couldn't forget her own children. Even if they were old enough to take care of themselves, it didn't mean that Ghita didn't want to shelter them at every turn.

Walking towards the scent now, her gait short and awkward with the newness of the walking stick, it didn't take very long for her to make out the distinct figure of another Optime Luperci in the distance. He seemed to notice her as well, and calmly waited for her arrival. Well, that suited the fae just fine; She didn't mind the extra walking. Her gait brought her towards the new companion rather quickly, and one of the first things she noticed about him was the odd clothing he wore. The fae herself had only seen a limited selection of clothing, and Marcus' vest was not among the selection she knew well, and neither was the eyepiece.

The cane, however, she knew all too well. The signs of age were all too prevalent on what she now knew was a Border Collie, even if the dress was strange to her. Creasing her face in what would be recognized world-over as a smile, she exposed her pearly teeth in a grin, friendly enough while still maintaining a slight air of authority. "Good morning. What brings you around these parts? I don't think I've seen you before."

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