Hollow and Alone
     He was alive again, for the pain had returned and he would taste the salt of his tears. He had missed her, the scent of her, the sight of her golden gaze and the sweet tone of her voice. But those things were faded now. A ghost just as she said. Samir listened for the voice, and did not hear it. Yet he remembered and held the memory for tightly to his heart that he could hear her still. The tiger inhaled, his chest rising and falling like it had when he was the beast he had been with her those years ago. He was returning, and he felt that finally the light of day had come. Finally the world began to turn and the air in his lungs was no longer as thick and tarnished as soot. She may be a ghost, but even that thin apparition was enough to bring the predatory feline back to life.

     He felt the movement of his fur, the prickling along his neck that told him of a chill. He stepped in once again even closer, nose rising to touch her crown and emerald eyes closed as he used his other senses to find her beneath the embers and ash that had settled on her scorched and broken form. She had been burned away in his mind, lost in a fire that had eaten away at his soul. Slowly, beneath it all he could see her. Star. He breathed, calling to her in a whisper in the hopes that beyond the grave she would come back to him.

     Come back He wished to speak but his tongue was still. He fought through the pain, a mere pin prick compared to his want for her to regain life and his wish for her to return to him and the happiness that he felt for having even this faded corpse that had walked back into his world.

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