misguided ghost

Sorry for the long post. You can choose to end it here if you want or do one more closing post. WC: 1,016 {10 points}

Layla understand that the loner had no intentions of coming into Dahlia de Mai’s lands on purpose. Obviously she was just passing through and had no idea that she was in the area the pack actually checked. The mistress had heard that part of the beach was a neutral area, so she assumed it was ok for the loner to pass through without getting into any trouble. The black and white she wolf had been to the neutral areas before so she knew some of them were controlled by the other packs, so she was not going to inform Conor about Clover and the fact that she was going through the Dahlia de Mai territory.

Layla watched the coyote’s dark ears fold down to her skull in embarrassment. In the mistress’ mind, the loner had no reason to feel so. It was a simple misjudgment so it was able to be overlooked. There was really no reason for the coyote to feel embarrassed. She was glad to see that Clover was a bit more relaxed now. It was good to see that the black and white she wolf could pull the loner out of her saddened state and put her in a better mood. The tears seemed to have completely vanished from the coyote’s face and left nothing but the wet lines where they once were; although considering the autumn heat was beating down on them, she was sure those would soon vanish too. As the she wolf took a break from her own thought, she tried to figure out just what Clover was thinking. It was hard to tell from the look in her eyes, but from what she could gather, Layla had made a good impression on her about how kind and great Conor was. She wanted nothing more than to make her own alpha seem like a good guy to anyone who came around the Dahlia de Mai borders. The moment of thought discontinued for the she wolf as she moved her gaze back to the sky.

Layla’s meat was getting a bit cold, though it didn’t really matter. To her, any meat was still a good meal. It was best not to let the food go to waste. There was still a bit left and of course Clover was welcome to have more if she wanted it. The mistress finished the piece of meat she was holding and reached to grab another one. Ever since Conor had taught her how to cook the meat, she had been experimenting with different herbs and spices to apply a new taste to the meat. Today’s meal was just the usual of salt and pepper as well as some lemon pepper. Perhaps sometime later in the winter, she could try out some more combinations. She turned her attention away from her meal and to the loner. A smile formed on her face and caused the black and white she wolf to form a smile on her face. ”Don’t worry about it. I’m almost positive that Conor won’t mind you just passing through if you hadn’t realized these were the pack lands. I’m glad to hear that I was able to cheer you up. It makes me feel good to see that I could help out another canine in need.” She couldn’t exactly say ‘another wolf in need’ seeing as Clover was a coyote and not a wolf.

Layla watched the female rise to her feet as she stated she should be heading home. Layla nodded and rose up to her feet. Once Clover was off the blanket, the mistress picked it up and shook all the loose sand off it. Seeing as they were not sitting near the water, the blanket was fairly clean and most of the sand shook off the moment she lifted it. Once the blanket was clean, she folded it up and placed it back in her satchel. The last thing she needed to pack was her leftover meat but she had another idea. She took out a few pieces and then offered the rest to the coyote. ”Glad to hear again that I could lift up your spirits. Here’s a little gift, just in case you get hungry once you make it home. I don’t mind carrying the rest in my hands back home.” It would be up to Clover if she wanted to take the meat or not. The black and white she wolf would understand if she didn’t want it to take home.

Once Clover had accepted or declined her gift, Layla finished the piece of meat she was eating before she got up. The flavor melted in her mouth as her gaze stayed with her guest. She made sure to finish her meat quickly so that she could see her guest off. It was getting a bit later in the day and the mistress would soon be heading back home herself; although, in a way she didn’t want to go back. The house was empty so she would be spending the night all alone. She wished she could invite the coyote to her home for a bit, but she knew she could not force the loner to do anything. She wanted to head home, so the she wolf was not going to stop her from returning there. Layla then picked up her satchel. The small bag hung lightly on the wolf’s should as she took to the coyote’s side. ”At least let me escort you to the border just so you’re aware to where it starts to lead into the heart of Dahlia de Mai.” With a smile on her face, she began to lead the coyote to the borders. Once they were there, the mistress took a few steps back and held her hands behind her back. ”Well, this is where we depart. I wish you luck Clover and hopefully we’ll see each other again soon.” The she wolf would love to see Clover again and see how her life was going. The coyote was not a friend to Layla and wanted to help make her happy.

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