The Green Mile... or one hundred miles
Character Name: Michael Northman

Birthdate: March 4th, 2009

Species: Luperci- Canis lupus ortus

Gender: Male

Secondary contact: I can be contacted on the IM available on gmail.

Currently played characters: This is my first.

How I found Souls: Top 50 wolf RPGs Google search.

Michael had travelled a long way to escape the desolation of Boston. With its bridges, subways, and some of the town resting on islands, it was slowly starting to sink. Michael still remembered when he saw the Green Monster come crumbling onto the overgrown field of Fenway Park, when he was merely a pup of just three months. That was shortly before he and his family escaped from the crumbling city of his ancestors. If only...

But that was in the past. His dame and sire had perished in Charles Town, and Michael himself was barely able to escape. That was three months ago. He came of age, alone, somewhere in the wilds of Maine. And now, here he was, standing on the borders of a veritable paradise in a post-apocalyptic world. He could smell canine all over the area. Maybe his lonely days were over. Shaking the full mane in his Secui form, the one he was most comfortable in, he raised a long muzzle to the moonlit sky and howled, calling for whatever might be here.

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