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The words that passed between Cael and Phodine were still fresh in her imprintable, young mind. She hadn't really understood what they'd meant — words like "abandonment" made little sense to a puppy who barely knew the difference between her mother and the tree nearby — but when her wide, dark eyes had watched their backs turn on her everything clicked into place. Something told Phox they wouldn't be coming back: not now, not ever. For several hours the 4 month old had staid supine on the floor, clinging to one last hope. But they hadn't turned back and that was when she knew it was over. She had exhaled slowly, a wordless resignation that was so heavy with grief it belonged to a wolf twice her age. That's that, she seemed to say.

Her tawny body lay curled around a tree trunk, eyelids closed tight over her glacial violet eyes. To Phox, blocking out these memories seemed only attainable by shutting out daylight and pretending like nothing of the sort had ever happened. She sighed into the soft, baby fur of her chest as she tried to leap desperately back into the realm of sleep. No, it was worthless. Just like everything else.

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