NEWS -- More new mature thread markers
As per the edit to the mature thread rule, all threads containing mature or explicit content MUST be marked with "M" at the beginning of the title. This is because:

1) Especially for those unfamiliar with the practice, it can be easy to overlook the mature marker in a thread title when it is woven into the topic like thus: "keeping [m]y [p]romises." You are free to continue designating other thread markers (aw, p) in this manner, but keeping the mature marker separate from the title clarifies things greatly: "M - keeping my [p]romises."

2) Members navigating into a thread for the first time via the "Last Post by:" link from the board index will not see the standard warning in the first post of the topic. Additionally, latter portions of the topic title may be clipped off by the board. Having the mature marker in the title of the thread (not the description) and at the beginning ensures that members will see it.

These rules apply to all new mature threads. Old and archived threads may be taken care of gradually by moderators.

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