What you even care
Flayra gazed up at the wolfess' eyes. She could see from her eyes that she was remembering something about the accident at the Old Red. Pity the Little Flower was no where around when it collapsed. She might have been able to help in someway. The only thing she had knowledge of the incident that Ghita was injured badly, but her niece was safe. The only thing she could think of is, was it time or natural elements of Earth that made the old building finally fall?

When Ghita asked about the girl's knowledge of her language, she said with no trouble, "Beh, si sarebbe sorpreso di quello che ho potuto trovare in biblioteca. Ho dovuto guardare in profondità." She herself was even surprised, yet glad that she spoke the Marino's language with little trouble. The studying was really paying off. She waited for Ghita's response.

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