Indeed a fool of mine

The truth was that he had no real desire to see all of his children turn into vicious, cannibalistic monsters; it was only coincidence really, that those were the things that railed the general public the most, and so it had become his job to shock and repulse. The most solidified reasoning behind all of his actions was entertainment. R.youjoku liked to be entertained and things that garnered significant response entertained him. If people took more notice to those that played nicely, perhaps he would favor less atrocious deeds, but as it were, they didn't, and so he was what he was. They had made him so, right?

He's an idiot, he said of his counterpart, Should really just keel over and die, that one. Wouldn't it be so much more convenient that way? Then again, the red-eyed monster also sort of figured that if the other didn't exist, then those who knew already would notice and then there would be no sad little persona to protect him from the wrath of those he had wronged. The walk to the lake was relatively short. Rachias had actually wandered a good distance into the packlands and it was somewhat surprising that no one else had come to her first, what with her screaming bloody murder as loud as a banshee.

The mist crept quietly over the surface, hiding most of it from view, but as they neared, the waters became clearer and it really was a beautiful sight. Now isn't that so much better than that damned salty ocean of yours?


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