strained voices crying wolf when nobody can hear.
mall-caps;color:#555555;">She looks so pretty that it's such a pity
That she won't be needing help for this beating.

A million years had passed since then and now; a thousand decades separating the past from the present. But the sight of a river still sent memories flooding back like the flow of a current, seeing the child beneath the waves and a silent scream held high above the crashing water. It had only been a year since then, and only two since she'd first come into this world, but it could of been a thousand with the way she'd aged, seeing sorrow enough for anyone in this world. She'd always been a wanderer, taking after her father in that way, lost since the moment they were born.

He'd told her how he'd killed his mother, his birth bringing about her demise as her body failed at his first breath. Illegitimate children of an exiled queen, their kingdom long since crumbled into dust and forgotten to time. Kezia had been raised where her father was born, among the ashes of a forest burned by a mad queen, her life lost to her own insanity. It was a faux-royalty from the beginning, filled with the rejects and outcasts of other societies, banding together and claiming themselves the kings and queens of a kingdom built on sinking sand.

Her breath exhaled slowly, appearing before her muzzle as a plume of crystallized air. Rain and snow had been falling all day, turning the ground to a frozen muck, churned beneath her feet with each step. Yet even as she turned her head toward the skies, sunlight broken through the trees and she shielded her eyes against the glare, blinking vaguely against the sudden light. Finding a fallen tree leaning against one of its brothers, she seated herself on it's trunk, the creak and moan of trees around cutting through the otherwise silent air, sounding almost like a chorus of lost souls.

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